Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Clinton Cartel and why it is a Fairy Tale

Recently I found this video from some dweeb who kisses Crooked Donald’s ass so much he was willing to make up stories to discredit Hillary Clinton.  However, I personally recommend watching the video before reading my debunking thereof.  I’ll put a link down below.


Have you watched the video yet?  Good.  Now let’s go ahead and get started.

“What I’m about to show you in the next 5 minutes will be extremely difficult to watch… but it will also save your life.  You’re about to hear a private briefing about the TRUTH behind the 2016 election… and Hillary Clinton’s one final, desperate act still to come.”

Truth?  Excuse me while I burst out laughing for a moment.  Truth?  Come on.  There’s no truth in this.

“It also exposes a corrupt conspiracy involving Clinton, a secret society of gangsters, and other high-ranking government officials and for the last 23 years, it’s remained a total secret.  Until today...”

Get real.  If Hillary really had done a good job of keeping it a secret for all those years, how could a single person find out about it overnight?  How am I supposed to be convinced that you didn’t make any of this up?  Also, a secret society of gangsters?  Give me a break.  That sounds totally ludicrous.  Politicians would never work with gangsters, they would throw them in jail.

“To be clear: the people involved NEVER expected the inner-workings of their plan to see the light of day.  And if it weren’t just for one tiny mistake, it would have remained buried forever.”

Oh, come on.  If the people involved in some diabolical master plan never expected it to come to fruition, they would have never worked on it in the first place.  Okay, what is this “tiny mistake” you speak of, wise guy?

“So if you’re ready for the truth, keep watching.  But if you don’t think you can handle it, close this video now before you hear what I’m about to say next.  This will be your only opportunity to hear my warning and take action to protect yourself and your family.”

I find it funny how he refers to all this as “the truth” when the fact is, there isn’t a shred of truth to any of this.  And the fact that he wants us to believe that this would “protect our families” should indicate that he doesn’t want us to stop and think, “Hm… maybe this might not be true after all?”  Okay, mister, show me the lies that you plan on telling us.

“Did Hillary rig the 2016 election all the way back in 1993 and in exchange, allow a sinister act to kill 31,000 American seniors that year and MORE every year after?”

No, no, and HELL no!  If she did rig the 2016 election all the way back in 1993, she would have won the election and none of us would have had to deal with Crooked Donald’s bullshit anymore.  And there’s no need to “kill” seniors.  Being a senior is the part of life that naturally comes before death anyway, and yet this joker presents the elderly as a bunch of murder victims.  This should indicate that this guy doesn’t care about facts.  Just charge vocabulary and audience reaction.  He’s clearly using words like “sinister” and “kill” just to get his audience offended at Hillary’s completely made-up conspiracy.  

“Impossible?  Trust me.  Your liberal friends and family won’t be able to deny a thing once you show them the information I’ve been able to uncover.”

Oh, I beg to differ.  And by “uncover,” you obviously mean “fabricate,” right?

“It’s a secret plan cooked up by Crooked Hillary herself that I’ve identified as ‘Executive Plan 5.’”

Okay, first of all, the fact that this dweeb called Mrs. Clinton “Crooked Hillary” much like Donald Trump does should give you some indication as to what he’s trying to do.  He doesn’t care about facts, he cares about how to manipulate people into parroting and eating up everything he says.  And the whole thing with “Executive Plan 5” makes him sound like nothing more than some conspiracy nut.  You can accuse me of blindly believing the whole “Trump colluding with Russia” thing, but at least there is evidence to back it up that has been piling up, even with his son outright admitting it on Twitter and handing evidence to the opposition on a silver platter.  Crooked Donald’s own followers are willing to give him a free pass for any conspiracy he may be involved in, yet are willing to jump at Hillary whenever they catch a rumor of anything dubious involving her?  Hypocrites.

“And it’s a scheme so elaborate and far-reaching, it can only be defined as high treason.”

Oh, yes, never mind Crooked Donald’s constant praising of Vladimir Putin and constant belittling of America’s ally nations, not to mention his unconstitutional banning of Muslim immigrants.  Why they don’t qualify as high treason at all, do they?

“Here was the plan: On January 20th, 2017, Hillary was supposed to place her hand on the Bible and take the Presidential oath of office.  Not as the victor of an honest and fair election, but as a liar, a traitor, and the conspiracy mastermind of a rigged election.”

You’re only a quarter right.  Yes, on January 20th, 2017, she was supposed to place her hand on the Bible and take the Presidential oath of office, but definitely, definitely as the victor of an honest and fair election.  And yes, let’s completely ignore the lies, betrayals, and conspiracies of the President that we ended up with: Crooked Donald.  After all, who’s to say that he didn’t rig the election in his favor, collaborating with the Russians and all.

“Fortunately, you and I both know how her story ended… she failed to become President.  And thank God for that.”

Thank God for that?  Don’t make me laugh.  Have you been paying any attention to what Crooked Donald has been doing during his presidency?  Or have you been purposely hiding your head in the sand since his inauguration?  Maybe you have been, since Crooked Donald has been lying to you about the news being “fake” in a desperate attempt to make himself seem credible.  Because if you were to pay attention to the news, you’d realize that we would be better off with Hillary Clinton as our President after all.

“While President-elect Trump was watching his electoral votes flood in, Hillary went into hiding… practically disappearing off the face of the earth.  Why?  Because she knows this isn’t a simple case of ‘He Won; She Lost.’”

No, there were a few times where she really did publicly show up on camera and say a few things.  She even did that long after Cooked Donald’s inauguration.  And she treated it like a simple case of “He Won; She Lost.”

“No, there’s so much more to the story than that.  And the reason goes deeper than you or I could ever imagine.  So while most Americans are breathing a sigh of relief that Trump will serve as our next President...”

No, they had the exact opposite reaction.  Most Americans protested out in the streets, demanding the government to hand the Presidency over to Hillary Clinton and take it away from Cooked Donald.  They know that prejudice, racism, islamophobia, and bigotry have no place in the White House, and I completely agree.  Hell, there was even a guy who got beaten up in the streets specifically because he voted for Donald Trump!  Do you even watch the news?

“...what 99.98% of them won’t know is the uncomfortable truth.”

And by “uncomfortable truth” you mean “downright blatant lie,” right?

“The outcome of this election - arguably the most important one of our lifetime - was actually planned 23 years ago behind closed doors in a top-secret location.  And even though Hillary has all but disappeared now - her entire sinister plot is still unfolding and putting millions of American lives in jeopardy every single day.”

Oh, gimme a break.  If Hillary really had been planning the outcome of this election, she probably would have won it.  And do you have any idea what her goal is and how much supposed damage it would do?  Not to mention, let’s completely ignore the concerns that people have of how many people would lose their health care coverage if Trumpcare comes into effect.  We’re much more concerned about people losing their lives under the Trump presidency, and if they do, it’ll be the fault of Crooked Donald and his Republican cronies.

“Worse yet, Trump, Pence, or ANY of the high-powered politicos in DC are absolutely powerless to stop her.”

As if they give a rat’s ass what she does.  If Hillary’s so-called plans do happen, they’re just gonna turn a blind eye.  And if she does cause the amount of damage you say she’ll do, they’ll just think, “Hey!  We wanted to do that!”

“How do I know for sure?”

Simple.  You made it up.  Entirely.

“I’ll explain everything but let me start by introducing myself.  My name is Dr. Allan Spreen, and I work for an organization just outside Washington DC, a patriotic group that monitors our government for exactly this type of thing.”

If that were the case, then maybe, just maybe, you should monitor any potential shady business that the Republicans have been doing.  And now that Cooked Donald has become our President, why don’t you monitor his behavior and actions as well as that of his coworkers, and expose any of their corruption to the public?  This means that either A: you guys suck at your jobs, B: you guys are overly biased, or C: you guys are hypocrites!

“I can’t reveal my sources, but a network of insiders gives me special access to this kind of information.”

The fact that Allan said that he can’t reveal his sources should arouse suspicion from anyone watching this video.  If this guy wants us to believe him, the burden of proof lies with him.  And if he were to reveal his sources, his arguments and “discoveries” would have some actual credibility.  And saying that he can’t reveal his sources seems to serve two purposes here.  One: to worm his way out of said burden and further insist that you need to simply take his word for it.  And two: to paint Hillary Clinton as having a network of spies keeping watch over anything that could potentially leak out her dirty secrets, and even being willing to kill anyone that may potentially leak them out, playing even further into purpose number one.  But come on, who would really be that gullible?  If someone says they have essential information for you, and makes up excuses for not showing you proof that what they’re saying is true, you should be very suspicious of them.  Or completely disbelieve them.

“We’ve uncovered a lot of dirt over the last 19 years, but NOTHING this huge.”

In that case, you should definitely give us proof that what you’re saying is true.  Otherwise, we might just push the idea that you’re actually lying, sort of like what I’m doing right now.

“I might even be putting myself at risk to publish this report today - but it’s my duty, buth as a journalist and a proud American who loves his country.”

If you really did love your country, you would have gladly done investigating and exposing of any of Donald Trump’s dubious activity.  And stop thinking that he’s better for this country, Mr. Spreen.  I’m sorry, he’s just not.

“I’ve actually been tracking this story for years… following paper trails, checking fact, and gathering a mountain of evidence along the way…”

Evidence that you’re not even bothering to actually show your audience, Mr. Spreen?  Because if you don’t, we’ll be even more convinced that you made all of this up.

“But even I didn’t want to believe that this kind of thing could actually happen in America until I saw Hillary’s speech when she accepted the Democratic nomination.”

And if you don’t show us any of the so-called “evidence” that you supposedly ‘gathered,” (and by “gathered” I mean “fabricated”) we’ll keep not believing it.  An on a side-note, I have no idea how a person’s speech is meant to unveil a deep conspiracy theory.

“It was her smug smile and the way she waved like a queen at the crowd through the sleeves of her $12,000 pantsuit jacket… she knew she’d already won.”

Well, then, aren’t you going to show us a video clip of that speech?  Aren’t you going to show us the video where she does show off that smug smile and that regal wave?  There was a video at the very introduction of this video, why wasn’t there one here when you truly need it?  I think this guy is grasping at straws.

“I decided right then and there that I wasn’t going to let her get away with it… and I know you won’t either.”

Oh, yes, I will.  As for Crooked Donald, well, I hope you reconsider letting him get away with anything bad he had done.

“Truthfully, even the craziest of left-wing ‘libnuts’ won’t be able to deny the proof at 6:18 of this video that Hillary Clinton has co-signed the most devastating American scandal this country has ever known.”

Ha!  Oh, please.  Couldn’t be any more devastating than Crooked Donald collaborating with the Russians.  Also, you just contradicted what you said earlier about being unable to show us any proof for fear for your life.  And I bet that proof is not really proof, now is it?

“That’s right, co-signed.  Because even though I truly believe Hillary is a force of evil against our great nation, she isn’t in this alone.”

Okay, you called her a “force of evil against our great nation,” which A: No, Donald Trump is, and B: calling her things like that clearly indicate that you’re only using charge vocabulary in order to get your audience’s attention instead of relying on actual evidence.

“In fact, during my investigation, I uncovered proof of a shadowy organization operating strategically behind the scenes and manipulating Hillary’s career… with her FULL blessing.  My colleagues and I call that secret organization the Clinton Cartel.  And they’re every bit as power-hungry and despicable as Hillary herself.”

If there’s anyone power-hungry and despicable in this day of politics, it’s Crooked Donald and his cartel.  And by “cartel” I mean cabinet members and fellow Senate Republicans.  And once again, this guy claims to have proof without even bothering to show his audience any of it.  Once again, I have reason to believe that that he only pretends to have proof while making excuses to show none of it.

“Since all the way back in 1993, the Clinton Cartel has been Hillary’s ally on every rung of the political ladder, moving all the right chess pieces to buy her elections, knowing that starting in 2017 - with Queen Hillary running the show - she’d be returning the favor.  That’s right, in exchange for delivering her Presidency on a silver platter, she’d look the other way while giving the Cartel full access to run our government’s biggest agencies… for limitless profits.  Here was the plan: When Hillary’s scheme when into effect in 2017, the Cartel would have unprecedented access to our government… and a direct path to your health and money.

Do you honestly expect us to believe a story this ridiculous, Allen?  I mean, Hillary Clinton collaborating with a shadowy gang since 1993?  Promised with direct access to people’s health and money?  Oh, come on.  That’s way to ludicrous for any sensible person to believe.  But you don’t want us to be sensible do you?  You just want us to act on instinct, don’t you.  Well my instinct tells me that you’re lying through your teeth.  And besides, it’s not like the President that we actually ended up with, Crooked Donald, isn’t a threat to our good health care, now is it?  Sorry, but your attempts to protect our health have fallen flat on their face.  

More importantly, though, do you have any videos of Hillary talking to members of this imaginary Cartel?  Any audio tapes?  Any transcripts?  No?  Then I’m not gonna take your word for it.  I have no reason to believe that this Cartel thing is actually true, and I think that it’s just another completely made-up story to try to convince us that she would have been a worse President than Crooked Donald, and I’m also convinced that you’re yet another one of Crooked Donald’s toadies trying to further the smear campaign against Hillary Clinton.

With their plan set in motion, she was guaranteed to win.  GUARANTEED.  Only they didn’t pull it off.  And now, the Cartel - hungrier than ever - still wants to be paid back.  Even if it’s at the expense of American lives.

If that were the case, then maybe this made-up Cartel would have joined Crooked Donald’s cabinet and tried to help him repeal Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act.  If they were to do that, they’d get their money back while also massacring so many American lives in the process, and considering that Trump and the Cartel have that common goal, I’m surprised they’re not teaming up to accomplish that.  But they’re not.  So the Cartel doesn’t exist.

“I’ll explain exactly what I mean, but here’s the part that will really blow your mind: Clinton swore up and down the campaign trail that the Cartel are actually her ENEMIES.  She’s absolutely shameless.  She publicly denounced them and said they’re out to take advantage of middle-class Americans (and they are!) but behind closed doors, she’s been greedily accepting their money AND their help for decades.

Oh, I’m quite convinced that Clinton said nothing about a Cartel during her election campaign.  Also, You didn’t show us any indication that she has been accepting money from this fantasy Cartel.  No photos, no audio, no video clips, nothing!  So yeah.  There is no Cartel.  And besides, what about Crooked Donald?  The Russians have been helping his campaign, so why are you doing nothing to address that?  At least loads of other people have, but not you?  Hypocrite.

“Friend, what you’re about to see next proves EXACTLY why she was always unfit to be President, and why we could never allow her into the White House.”

Funny, Crooked Donald was always unfit to be President, and yet you had no problem with letting him into the White House!  Again, hypocrisy.  And I’m still convinced, she would have made a much better President than Crooked Donald here.

“Here are the facts: When Bill first assigned Hillary to lead his Task Force on National Health Care Reform in 1993, she immediately put 33 corporate power players on her team.  Now, these were some real heavy hitters across several industries that she knew had the muscle to get things done in DC and weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in the process.  It was a real deal with the devil, to be sure.  But this group stood to make a killing because with the approval of the new healthcare bill, they were promised a payout to the tune of $10 BILLION in new revenues.  (Yup, that’s BILLION with a B.)”

Do you have any records on who these 33 corporate power players even are?  Aren’t you going to show us screenshots of these documents in a photograph or something?  Any documents of their track records?  Any e-mails or letters talking about this deal?  Any photos or videos of a meeting?  Something?  Anything?

“Fortunately, you and I both know how that ended.  Thankfully, the bill was destroyed before it ever got off the ground, and Hillary’s ‘teammates’ never go to cash their checks.  But failure has never stopped Hillary.  She’s had plenty of it… but her lust for power is never-ending.  And she knew that in our country, money can still buy power.  But you need LOTS of it.  So she decided to form a secret alliance with this group of corporate fat cats and with nothing more than a secret meeting and brief handshake to seal their pact, the Clinton Cartel was born.”

Again, no photos, no videos, nothing indicating the existence of this meeting.  So yeah.  I must admit, Allan, you have made the most elaborate story meant for vilifying Hillary Clinton ever created. Too bad I’m going to remain convinced that it’s complete bullshit.

“They vowed to never speak of their arrangement again.  But I was watching.”

Gee, if only you had brought a camera with you during this meeting and had taken photographs or recorded the meeting… oh wait!  You didn’t!  You were supposedly watching this meeting and you have nothing to show for it?  Actually, come to think of it, if you were watching their meeting twenty-four years ago between Hillary and this Cartell, then why didn’t you tell this to the media immediately after it was done?  Why wait until now!?  Were you too scared?  Did you think that nobody would believe you?  Or are you just trying even harder to make this fake Cartel story sound even more believable!?  Yep, the Clinton Cartel is just one big lie.

“And what you’re about to hear next is a matter of public record - the undeniable proof of the Cartel’s work.  Fast forward to Hillary’s 2000 Senate bid.  The Cartel funded $86,875 in cash into her campaign, ensuring her victory.  During her re-election in 2006, they upped the ante and pumped $157,015 into her campaign… and again, she won.  Then came the 2008 presidential election when the Cartel gave her $174,000 in cash.  The Cartel didn’t even care if Hillary lost in the primaries… they had their sights on 2016 the entire time.”

Don’t you think a story like that should sound suspicious to anyone?  If the Cartel had an opportunity to get Hillary into the White House before 2016, then why didn’t they use that to their advantage!?  Did nobody on that Cartel say, “Hey!  We could get Hillary into the White before 2016!  Why don’t we give it a try?”  Don’t you find it funny that they wouldn’t be eager to hasten their goal?
“Fast forward to 2015 when Hillary announced that she was running for President.  And now the Cartel went all-in… to the tune of $7,054,871.  But they didn’t stop there either.  Trying not to draw much attention to their partnership, they privately made additional contributions to the Clinton Foundation ranging from $1 million to $5 million each.”

If that were true, they’d run out of money eventually, right?  Right?  RIGHT?

“In total, it’s estimated that Hillary has accepted $10.8 million in Cartel dirty money since 2000, and that’s only including what’s publicly shown on her books.”

If she recieved any dirty money at all, it would never be publicly shown on her books.  She’d want to keep it top secret for the rest of time.  Publicly showing it on her books would defeat that purpose to a staggering degree and hurt her reputation, and thwart her ambitions.  So, you’ve shot yourself in the foot, Mr. Spreen.

“With that kind of money buying all the votes she needed, the scheme was practically fool-proof.  Until her carefully-laid plan was OUTED in the final hours before the election.”

Um… how?  How was it outed?  And I’m sure that so many people who heard that story knew that it was a complete lie just like I do.  Any sensible person would consider a story like that to be to ridiculous to be believed and write it off as the pathetic smear campaign that it was.

“Hillary rightfully lost, and the Cartel was once again left with their pocket turned inside out.  But that just made them even angrier.  So who exactly is this ‘faceless’ Cartel?  And why should we still be afraid of them - even after Donald Trump becomes president?”

Who is this “faceless” cartel you ask?  Simple.  They’re characters in a fanfiction you wrote in an attempt to discredit Hillary.  And why should we be afraid of them?  They’re no scarier than the stereotypical campfire ghost story.

“And most importantly, how can you protect yourself and your loved ones?”

Oh, come on.  It’s Crooked Donald and his cabinet that we need protection from.

“From my experience, I’ve found Clinton’s Cartel to be an extremely cunning and dangerous team.  They work in secret and consist of highly influential figures, lobbyists, and even corporate executives.  Now, that might not sound intimidating at first blush, but in partnership with Hillary, they’ve already launched Executive Plan 5 with one simple goal: Manipulate American politics - and the American people - for BILLIONS in pharmaceutical drug profits.  And no one would EVER catch on.  What’s even more terrifying is that this group is NOT made up of politicians.  Look, Trump has promised to ‘drain the swamp’ in DC… but these folks are too powerful to be touched.  So, even without Hillary on their side, they can still have unprecedented power to influence our government’s healthcare laws and policies.  Take for example the FDA: The Cartel has been funding that group for years.  They practically OWN it already.  How?  In just 2015 alone, the FDA received $97,605,000 in ‘standard fees’ from the Cartel.  All to allow more prescription drugs to flood the market, making BILLIONS for the Cartel.  And it’s only going to increase.  A LOT.  In fact, it should rocket to well over $100 million a year in money paid to the FDA, allowing the Cartel to continue to push their poison bills for BILLIONS in profit.”  

Well, Allan, that’s pretty elaborate for a lie, I’ll give you that much.  Shame you made up an excuse to not show your sources, otherwise, you’d be more convincing.  Also, do you have anything to indicate that the FDA is on this fantasy Cartel’s leash?  The fact that you said that you can’t show your sources should be considered to be suspicious at best.  If you really want to convince us that any of this is even remotely true, then you absolutely, positively, should show us your sources, and the fact that you’re absolutely refusing to should be considered to be highly suspicious.

“And the worst part is, they’re selling us prescription drugs that are completely unnecessary.  And many of them are deadly.  Did you know the FDA receives more than 2 million consumer complaints about prescription drugs every single year!?  It gets worse.  It’s estimated that over 350 Americans are dropping dead every single day from taking their own prescribed medications.  That means in the short time you’ve been watching this presentation, 2 more Americans have died from the Cartel’s work… and seniors are at the most risk!”

Do you have any track records as to what these prescription drugs actually are, what they do, and who is selling them?  Or how about a record of the complaints that the FDA gets from their consumers for that matter?  And the people that have been getting killed by their own medications?  You definetly, definetly should be showing something to indicate that.  But because you made an excuse to not show your sources, your story remains way to ludicrous to be believable.  Again, if you attempt to worm your way out of showing your sources, damage will be done to your credibility.

“But maybe you’re sitting here and saying, ‘That will never be me.’  Then let me ask you.  Are you over the age of 55 and taking a prescription drug?  Does your spouse take any medications?  More than 31,000 seniors will die this year from legally prescribed medications.”

What I am saying isn’t “That will never be me,” it’s, “Oh, come on.  That’s ridiculous.  How can I be sure that you’re not making any of this up?”  And no, I’m actually in my mid-twenties and I don’t take prescription drugs.  I am not married.  And being a senior is the stage of life that takes place before death anyway, so that makes it even harder to believe that their own medications are actually killing them.

“But what can you do?  Your well-meaning doctor prescribes them for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, whatever it is.  And you need them, right?  Well, that’s what the Clinton Cartel wants you to believe.  But today, we’re exposing their most dangerous LIE.”

Sorry pal, but I have my own ideas on who the liar is.

“You see, the organization I work for is called the Health Sciences Institute. (or HSI)  We’re an independent think tank of patriotic American doctors, scientists, and researchers and we are fighting back against Hillary and her slimy Cartel by exposing their biggest lie ever, starting with five words they NEVER wanted you to hear: YOU DON’T NEED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.  Not when there are already very real cures and treatments for the diseases that plague us.  Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, MS, heart disease, even cancer.  Cures they’ve actively covered up for the last 23 years.  And today, we’re exposing everything and revealing every disease-curing secret so they lose… and you win.  Like a cancer cure that beats chemotherapy and starts killing cancer cells in just hours… covered up by our own government!?  You won’t believe this outrageous scandal.”

Excuse me while I burst out laughing here, but honestly, if these amazing cures for all of these dangerous and complicated diseases really did exist, then why didn’t you do everything within your power to make their existence public knowledge so that people could get treated, you idiots!?

“The easy secret to reversing Alzheimer’s and dementia with the power to roll your brain’s “clock” back 12 years.  How did this one get buried?  The truth comes out today…  The only solution that erases arthritis pain and REBUILDS arthritic joints.  Pain vanishes in as little as seven days.  Are you ready for a brand new outlook on life and ZERO pain?  Want deep, restful, healing sleep night after night?  Without the danger of deadly sleeping pills?  You’ll be amazed by this new sleep wonder and just how dangerous the pharma stuff secretly is.  There’s a deadly symptom of heart failure that your doctor doesn’t know!  This is MUST-READ information to save you from a fatal heart attack: Plus, there’s a simple solution for protecting your heart now, if you know where to look.  ”

Well the truth should have come out a long time ago!  Why did you wait until now!?  That way, if the Clinton Cartel really did exist, (and there’s a reason I say “if”) Hillary would have been completely exposed, the Cartel would have fallen apart, her ambitions would have collapsed, Bernie Sanders would have won the election, and maybe, just maybe, we would have had a much better President right now!  Why didn’t you make any of this public knowledge a long time ago?  Because if you did, this would have been so much more believable.

“You see, there are TRUE cures from all over the world that work as well (or better!) than prescriptions… but with no lousy side-effects.”

You know the old saying “too good to be true?”  Well that’s what all of this sounds like to me, and that should definitely, definitely raise suspicion.

“In fact, in many countries around the world… these therapies are PRESCRIBED by doctors.  And results are flowing in that they’re curing grateful patients from cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and more.”

Then why don’t you provide an actual example, then?

“But why not here?  In the Greatest country in the world?”

Greatest country in the world?  I seriously beg to differ.

“Well, it interferes with the Cartel’s money machine.  You see, these are all NATURAL disease treatments… discovered by top scientists right here on God’s green earth.  But you can’t patent a plant extract or an herbal disease treatment.  And if you can’t patent something, you can’t sell it for big profits.”  

Well, there’s an old saying that goes: You’ll never know until you try.  In my opinion, you can patent these natural treatments.  It may not be easy but it is possible, and if growing, patenting, and making profits off of fruits and vegetables - naturally produced food! - is possible, why not with plant extracts or herbal disease treatments?  Don’t you think that something like that would be highly suspicious?  At best?  Grocery stores and make profits off of fruits and vegetables so pharmaceutical companies have no excuse for not trying any of this.  But maybe if they were to start giving it a try, then this story would have come up at all.

Not only that, though, but you said that the planet’s top scientists found these natural cures, so why don’t you give us their names and credentials?  Aren’t you going to give us stories on how they managed to find these supposed natural cures?  Again, more “evidence” that you’re withdrawing from us.

“So why would the Cartel even waste their time?”

Same reason grocery stores sell fruits and vegetables.  Now if they were to start taking that into consideration and give it a try, they would make money faster and more honestly.

“It makes WAY more sense for them to try to replicate the cure with something artificial that will become their next cash cow.”

No, it doesn’t.  If customers realize that there’s been a real cure and they’ve been purchasing a fake one this entire time, they’ll not want to buy their product anymore, and the Cartel’s finances would plunge down the toilet in a landslide.  

“So the Cartel bullies the FDA into making sure these natural cures STAY a secret.  While also making sure you and your doctor only hear about their ‘wonder drugs’... and keeping those deadly side-effects sealed away from the public eye.  And that keeps Americans coming back to deadly and ineffective pharma drugs over and over.”

Yet another instance where providing us with a video showing us this would be tremendously helpful.

“But, finally, that ends TODAY.  For the first time ever, I’m unmasking and counting down the Top 5 Covered-Up Cures that Hillary’s Cartel and their partners at the FDA have openly tried to discredit.  I’ll show you proof of what these cures can do for you and your family… (And yes, I do mean CURES for the deadliest diseases known to mankind.)”

I have two problems with him saying this.  One: He doesn’t actually show us the actual proof of what these cures can do or even what they look like, no photos, no interviews with the people who have gotten treated, nothing of the sort.  Two: I don’t think it’s enough to raise awareness of these supposed cures to us.  The knowledge of the existence of these cures won’t do us any good if we can’t easily obtain them.  Allan and his buddies should make the existence of these cures more wide-spread and more importantly, mass-produce them so that they can easily give them to whomever might need them most.

“You’ll also hear from ‘hopeless’ people who had their lives changed forever…  You’ll see the results from rock-solid scientific studies...”

That you won’t even bother showing us, Mr. Spreen?  

“And most importantly… I’ll show you how you can legally get your hands on all of them.  Free.”

Cue a commercial for one of his books.  I’ll skip this segment and fast-forward to the segment where it talks about the whole cure-for-cancer thing.

“For the first time ever, cancer is now a completely curable disease.  Colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, even inoperable brain tumors and more… are NO match for this natural discovery.  It’s all thanks to this breakthrough that comes from one of the strangest places on earth… a rare type of sour honey!?”

Oh, I’m sorry, a special sour honey can cure cancer?  My scouter says that your ridiculousness levels have gone… well… how do I explain this?


Yep.  What he said.  Aren’t you going to provide us with a photograph of said honey?  Or present us with an example of how it was able to cure cancer?  A scientific diagram?  A video of a cancer patient eating some of said honey and then being magically cured of said cancer?  Do you have anything to indicate how this sour honey is able to cure cancer of any kind shape and form?  Because that is scientifically ludicrous.  And unless you have any proof of this, it will remain ludicrous.  

“Keep watching and I’ll explain.  Cancer.  Just the word alone would make anyone’s heart drop in fear.  Maybe you have a loved one going through treatment right now and you know exactly how devastating the disease can be.  Maybe you’ve even worried about it yourself… wondering how a diagnosis would impact your own life… your family, friends, even pets.  It’s a completely rational fear, considering the fact it’s estimated there are 14 MILLION Americans living with some form of cancer right now and 1.6 million new cases expected to be added by the end of this year alone.  And it’s not even the fear of living through the disease and decline that’s the worst part.  It’s the fear of dying the horrible death that comes with it.  Chemotherapy, radiation, disfiguring surgery… and then death.  More than half a million Americans a year… dead from cancer.  Imagine how angry their families would be if they could see the emails I discovered...”

Gee.  Are you even bothering to actually show them to us!?  Do you have any credibility on this matter?

“A private email exchange sent between government researchers where they ADMITTED that a natural cure was the BEST cancer treatment available.  I managed to get my hands on the message itself and am publishing the smoking gun for you to see yourself… here’s the direct quote from their email: ‘[Sour Honey] is the only effective therapeutic available on the market so far.’”

Then why don’t you directly show it to us then?  Did you screenshot the e-mail?  If you did, why didn’t you show it to us?  That “direct quote” might as well be your own words.

“Think of all the needless deaths that could have been prevented had the FDA issued a public statement about the truth behind this bona-fide natural cancer cure.  But instead, they chose to keep their email chain private and unpublished.  They didn’t want anyone to see the truth or make their Cartel ‘investors’ angry.  And this admission was dated all the way back in 2013!  Imagine if the 1.7 million people who have died since then would have known about this natural cure’s power.  But instead, they were told the same lie that the Cartel spoon-feeds the American public (so THEY can pay cash for their custom Porsches): ‘Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the only way.’  And they sure don’t want you to know about a potent natural cancer-defeater that’s as easy (and save!) as adding a spoonful of honey to a cup of hot tea.”

I’m sorry, but I think you should start showing us proof that this sour honey exists, let alone that it’s able to cure cancer in an instant.  Do you have even a scrap of evidence to back this up?  Again, more claims that you’re not even bothering to show us.  Have you studied and taken notes on the chemical composition of said honey and do you plan on showing it to us?  Oh, wait, you just sent us a commercial for one of your books.  And you expect us to find the proof there.  I’m sorry, but if you were to give us some proof now, we’d have more incentive to buy your book in the first place.

“But I don’t drive a pricey luxury car… or make a single red cent off ANY cure.  So I can’t wait to share this exciting news with you today.  In the heart of the Brazilian jungle, a tiny, remote area exists where special bees create one of the rarest substances on earth.  It’s a type of ‘sour honey’ that has remained untouched for thousands of years.  Until it was recently tested in a lab and delivered these near-miraculous results: Within 24 hours, Sour Honey was shown in vitro to demolish breast cancer cells on the spot - killing 13% of the cancer in just the first day alone!  And in a separate study, looking at human-like tumors on mice, tumor growth was halted a full 50% with Sour Honey.  And on two different aggressive types of prostate cancer cells, Sour Honey was shown in vitro to boost the speed in killing the cancer destroying up to 75% of the cancer cells in the study!”

This is where a photograph of said honey and said bees would really come in handy.  On top of that, why don’t you make special farms where you breed these special bees and mass-produce said sour honey?  And aren’t you going to show us any proof at all that this “sour honey” can cure cancer as miraculously as you claim?  You’re not going to show us videos or photographs of these tests?  You’re not gonna show us photos or videos featuring the mice?  No documents of that study?  How am I supposed to be convinced that this story about this sour honey is real, let alone that it can actually cure cancer as effectively as you claim?

“So how does it work so fast and so effectively?”

Um, it doesn’t?

“Well, unlike chemo drugs that work through ‘mass extinction’... attacking every cell in your body and destroying the good with the bad, this rare Sour Honey works on a whole other level: First it teams up with your body’s own natural chemistry to selectively target “grow” signals that cancer cells put out as they multiply and spread.  Next, it marks all of those nasty little cells (kind of like a label maker) - letting the body know that they are bad news.  Then it swoops into action on the ‘marked cells,’ destroying masses of cancer cells and only cancer cells.  So your normal, healthy cells stay untouched and continue to thrive.  But that’s not all.  The thing that makes Sour Honey so one-of-a-kind, is that it has a dual-mechanism for killing cancer cells.  Meaning, in addition to eliminating cancer directly, it’s even been proven in studies to drive cancer cells to kill THEMSELVES.  I’ll save you the boring science lecture and tell you everything you need to know next.  ”

Well, the least you could have done is wrote and sold a book that actually gives us proof about this sour honey and what it can do.  What he does from here on is insist that there have been studies shown that show that sour honey cures cancer, but he doesn’t even bother to show us anything from said studies and doesn’t even bother showing us any examples thereof.  After that, it’s just a long-winded commercial for other stuff.  But if I dive into the rest of this video, we’d be here forever, so I’m gonna save myself and all of you so much time and energy and just end this here and now.

Bottom line: Not a single thing Dr. Allan Spreen said was backed up with proper evidence like photos or videos, and it seemed like he just relied on shock value to supposedly get his point across, or more accurately, to kiss Crooked Donald’s ass.  While I do think that this “Clinton Cartel” story does sound interesting, I also think that it is a load of rubbish.  What makes this assumption even more convincing is that the only other people talking about this “Clinton Cartel” are the people on Fox News, who are notorious for biased conservative viewpoints, the real “fake news.”  I do admit, though, this “Clinton Cartel” story does sound pretty interesting, but I am convinced that he made it up, and will remain that way unless he provides actual proof.  But because he didn’t provide his audience with any proof of the whole “Clinton Cartel” thing, I have more reason to believe that the Clinton Cartel is a complete lie.  A lie that I nearly fell for hook, line, and sinker and I’m here to make sure that you don’t.  I hope the maker of this video actually reads this blog and watches in horror as I completely expose what a liar he is, and destroy his credibility.  I should expose the notion to the public that there is no Clinton Cartel!  Crooked Donald’s lies haven’t fooled the sensible, intelligent people of America.  What chance does this loser have?  And I’m quite certain that this clown is doing the very thing that he’s accusing Hillary’s so-called “cartel” of doing.

Good god, this was such an exhausting blog to create.


  1. Yes, it is quite evident that Dr. Allen Spreen and his 'ilk' are the real 'duped' ones. So sad!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Not duped- he and others have been doing this for years- not mentioning Hillary of course, when she was irrelevant to their spiel.

      Now it IS very true that the pharmaceutical companies hold a lot of power- they contribute huge amounts to those who will support them in Congress. It is also true that most drugs have terrible side effects- we've all seen the TV commercials and the dire warnings so glibly uttered.

      Spreen's motivation is quite clear; North Star Nutritionals sells overpriced non-pharmaceutical remedies- HIS info and HIS products are the magical solutions (there are other excellent ones found on the Web, btw. LET ME SAVE YOU FROM CROOKED HILLARY- buy my products- and he counts on the fact that large numbers of people are aware of how dangerous prescription drugs are- and all the recalls--

      Again,HE IS RIGHT WHEN HE CRITICIZES THE FDA- they cannot be trusted! Please understand that at one time the chiropractors had to sue the AMA because of their put-downs of chiropracty- and they won. The same goes for alternative medicine- some really fine doctors have been ruined, and some great herbal and other remedies have been taken off the market not because they weren't excellent, but because they competed with the drug companies' products.

      WESTERN MEDICINE tends to be allopathic- it focuses on alleviating SYMPTOMS instead of healing the condition; the pharmaceutical industry rakes in billions by doing this; diabetes meds for a lifetime bring in huge amounts of money- as do heart drugs, etc. Have a headache? Just take these pills- never mind that the headache is a symptom of its CAUSE!

      I just wrote a scathing email to Spreen- but you can bet that it will just go to the customer service dept-which may or may not forward it.

      BTW, Spreen's emails usually start out warning of some dire disease or health danger-and that it will affect millions-maybe even billions. But, not to worry, he tells us- just buy his stuff, take his publications and all will be well. You will look 18 when you are 90, have eyesight like a hawk, and leap tall buildings at a single bound!

      But do take something out of his pathetic propaganda email- the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA are not our friends- the industry is out to squeeze as many dollars out of us as they can, and EVERYTHING they manufacture comes with side effects- yes-I said EVERYTHING!

      Do look seriously into natural solutions if you haven't already. Gotta take my walk now before the July 4th fireworks start. Take care and DOWN WITH TRUMP!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Clinton foundation big question....
      Billions of dollars. 10s of millions unaccounted for, a political cash cow.
      Clintons are dirty. No one has bothered
      To indite. No one has asked.
      The dnc has driven this crusade to impeach trump at all costs.
      Hillary ,emails, dnc spending , very cupable 21 century melodrama.
      Clinton is old comic book character. No one cares anymore. Trump gets elected two terms the evidence is dnc has no viable answers to fix things just bash and slander and see if trump slept with someone 20 years ago.
      Hillarys husband, well we all know about bill but we still were not able to get enough votes to impeach him.

    5. Allen Spreen has been around for years trying to rip off people by selling his supposedly wonderful health newsletter. It’s just a way to bilk people out of money so he and his family can live high on the hog. Guess he has no other skills. Don’t even know if he is a “real” doctor. Might just be his stage name on the Internet.

      No one should blame President Trump for this. This “Doctor” has been doing this for so many years - years before we even knew Trump was going to run for office! So maybe there’s a way to get Spreen for Fraud?

      The CRAZZZY Wench Paid for this to get printed ~ !
      At least, THOSE of us with BRAINS.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

      The CRAZZZY Wench Paid for this to get printed ~ !
      At least, THOSE of us with BRAINS.

  3. There really should be some way to prosecute this type of character for libel and slander.

    1. Dr.. Quackmire is a foolish man who I wouldn't allow to wipe my ass

    2. That's because you have a stick up it!

      The CRAZZZY Wench Paid for this to get printed ~ !
      At least, THOSE of us with BRAINS.

  4. He got that red flower creating something that cures cancer from an Anaconda movie! I saw it some years ago, but remember it.This is a pathetic hoax full of lies to try and sell his products. That Hillary Clinton fictional novel is based off some of the Omen movies, too. This man is a nutcase.

  5. I was laughing so hard while I read (yes read) his video and then thought of the poor folks who have and will be taken in by him. And then I unsubscribed from Newser because they carry his ads. BTW, I’m 64. Wonder who’s funding him? The people he scammed, the Koch brothers or both?

      The CRAZZZY Wench Paid for this to get printed ~ !
      At least, THOSE of us with BRAINS.

  6. Simply reapplying tRump's silly name for Clinton doesn't really work for me. I think more appropriate names are required... Traitor Donald, Treasonous Donald, Benedict Donald, Kim Jong Don, Putin's Lapdog Donald... I can go all day.

  7. "You can accuse me of blindly believing the whole “Trump colluding with Russia” thing, but at least there is evidence to back it up that has been piling up, even with his son outright admitting it on Twitter and handing evidence to the opposition on a silver platter."

    Actually, no, there is still no evidence. I agree that this video is BS. Usually, when you have one of these long winded "trust me" selling you all the hype for an hour before showing you where the rubber meets the road videos it is a scam. But just because this guy leverages Trump's name and anti Hillary position doesn't tie them together. And just as this guy isn't presenting any facts, like you correctly point out, the "evidence" of which you speak that "backs up" Trump / Russia collusion is non existent. And what you call evidence is really not evidence at all. They are stories of unconnected things that don't actually point to any collusion at all. You also have difficulty understanding what collusion is in the first place because you seem to think that merely desiring dirt on a political party is collusion when it is not. This week alone, Mueller has no evidence to present at Manafort trials regarding collusion. He might as well just say he doesn't have any. We already know he doesn't. If he did, Trump would be a target by now and yet he still isn't. The reality is that this video is hyped garbage and so is the Trump / Russia collusion story.

  8. Liberals don't seem to understand what is and what is not in the Constitution.

    "not to mention his unconstitutional banning of Muslim immigrants"

    This was never an unconstitutional thing. Note that foreigners that are NOT on US soil, are not covered by the US Constitution. There is no US Constitution in Syria.

    And you might want to take note that SCOTUS, who defines what is and is not Constitutional, just passed Trump's travel ban.

  9. " Maybe you have been, since Crooked Donald has been lying to you about the news being “fake” in a desperate attempt to make himself seem credible."

    As somebody who has been deeply researching the news for the past 1.5 years, having put in over 3,000 hours personally, I can tell you that the liberal news is indeed highly fake. They are no longer interested in honestly reporting the news. They are actively shaping the news to serve an agenda. If you can't see this, then you are simply not looking for it. It is so obvious and plain to see for ANYBODY who tries to see it. The liberal news media has changed over the years and they are not anything remotely close to honest anymore. If you believe that they are and you are ignoring or just ignorant to the facts, then you are their target audience and are indoctrinated. And not just a little. I've read some of your comments here and you are just really, really, wrong. I don't want to fight with you, but you really need to do some more research because you really don't know what you're talking about. You may be right about this video, but you are really clueless when it comes to reality with all of the stories surrounding Trump and Hillary. The facts just aren't on your side. Just look at your position last Sept when you wrote this and look how much has changed since then. Mueller is practically done when it comes to Trump and every single day that goes by looks more like there will be no Mueller time for libs when it comes to Trump. Trump isn't desperate when he calls the news fake. He even said that he doesn't mind if the news is negative against him, as long as it is fair and honest. Lib news is not fair or honest. THAT IS FACT. We have the internet, which includes you. You should try using it so that you can see this for yourself. It is very obvious that you are not actually researching anything beyond confirmation bias pieces and you aren't actually seeking truth. Seek the truth. Don't just seek what you want to hear. The facts speak for themselves, and you are missing a lot of them.

    1. Studying the news for 1.5 years... you are a literal infant in the realm of understanding. Some of us have been consuming and studying the news for decades, professionally, academically, and independently. You clearly have no ability to discern good information and knowledge, because fake news implies a largely false binary: fake vs. real, which you blindly subscribe to. 90+ percent of news is real reports, though a high percentage takes advantage of language and consumer ignorance to alter public conception. On top of that, a VAST, vast majority of truly false and salacious news comes from the right. Anyone who has actually spent time (again, lol at your less than 2 years... absolutely pitiful) studying can see this. Your inability to indicate knowledge of the nuance of information dissemination and semiotic influence just proves you don’t belong in this conversation. Hell, look at what’s happened since YOU posted this comment. Donald Trump is a trash human being whether he committed treason or not. It’s people like him and like you running your mouths without the SLIGHTEST modicum of true expertise that are dangerous to this country. Take a seat.

    2. If you consider liberal news to be fake, Mr Maximus, then why don't you show me proof of it being fake?

    3. Oh, I know exactly what I am talking about, Mr. Maximus. It's you who doesn't. And by the way, yes, the facts ARE on my side, not yours. Also, yes, Trump did say that he doesn't mind if the news is negative against him, as long as it is fair and honest, but that was nothing more than lip service. If he meant it, he wouldn't be ranting about fake news in the first place.

    4. I have 2 Comments:
      1)I mostly agree with your comments--there in no question distorted/biased News predominately is promulgated by the Left (and volumes of hysterics/salacious content. However I am dubious of some of the content presented by Dr Allan Spreen.
      2)Why spend your time/energy being respectful/civil/restrained to foolish/angry people who you will NEVER influence to reconsider their erroneous assumptions about President Trump and who btw will likely NOT write in a respectful/civil manner to you?

    5. What facts?

      I am Right-Wing, but that could possibly change if a hear another figure from Obama's Presidency besides a $9 trillion rise in federal debt.

      Why do you assume the people on the other side of the spectrum will not respond respectfully? I used no vulgar language and simply refuted your argument. Dr. Cragmire completely failed to do so in his heavily biased commentary.

    6. Dr. Cragmire further failed to refute the argument presented to him, that Left-Wing news is fake.

      He continued, posting 4 replies to one post, without saying anything meaningful. That, my friends, is the mark of a person with incredibly low capacity for logical debate.

    7. T.L. Baron was even further a detriment to this political conversation, foisting his supposedly more extensive education on someone he saw as uneducated, and therefore, inferior.

      Fake news is CNN lying about the AR-15 and its capabilities to push gun control. Fake news is broadcasting that there are more than 2 genders, that Russia "hacked" the election, and that it's hateful to say that we cannot accept everyone that wants into our country.

      What has the left done right lately? The fact that Dana Loesch (NRA Spokeswoman) required an armed escort to avoid being beaten to death on the way out of CNN hall is a red flag. Has the left dropped so far that they need to lynch someone to win a political discussion?

      The left is where the sad state of affairs lie. Delusion like this is what divides our country.

    8. Now the Mueller Report is out and the result is NO COLLUSION! Adam Shift: I have evidence that collusion occured! LIE! CNN: there are impeachable offences by the President! LIE AGAIN! What Mueller concluded was: not enough evidence to prove any obstruction! 2 and a half years, 19 highly educated democrats wasted over $30 million dollars and what did they find----NOTHING to convict! However, the rabid news media still is drinking the kool-aid inspite of the Mueller Report. The dems days are now numbered.

    9. Well, Snowrider, why don't you show me the Muller report itself and let me see where it says, outright and explicitly, that there is no collusion. I Double Dare you.

    10. It does not say "no collusion" on the report. But it does say that no evidence was found of collusion, which is, in essence, the same thing.

    11. And Jacob, instead of whining about things that you don't know about, how about you shut up and read the fucking report, like I did?

      All 448 pages, and not the bullshit summaries that CNN and NYT put out there.

  10. This BS is the kind of crap that is destroying our country.. love your neighbors and hold on while Trump does his best to flip his entire being onto the backs of people like clinton. The GOP is only good at creating made up conspiracies and pointing fingers and being on the front line for Putin. Talk about Treason.

  11. t's pretty clear to me that what this guy Spreen is trying to do is first, get typical rabid Trump supporters (who tend not to be highly educated or analytical) to believe his rubbish about Clinton and then, sell them his non-prescription "cures"--otherwise known as snake oil...So WHO is trying to make a profit with his unnamed cohorts?

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/


  13. Odd, everything you say is ACTUALLY the truth about Drumpf (his real last name) All you did was change the name from Trump to Hillary/Clinton.

  14. Trump is the ultimate old guy yelling at his TV ... only he's president. Sad!

  15. You must be on good good DRUGS😎 CAN
    I have some? Please!!!

    1. Yes, Dr. Cragmire could possibly be under the influence presently. Here's a shortened list of the good things Donald Trump has done for our country and others:

      - 3% unemployment rate
      - ISIS lost 95% of its territory in the first year of the Trump Administration
      - Firmer standing with Russia, $47 million used to support Ukraine, U.S. troops on Poland's border with Russia
      - Almost completely stopped use of chemical warfare against unarmed civilians in Syria.
      - He is the first president to ever get North Korean leadership to come to the negotiation table
      - North Korea has not launched a single missile test since September 3rd, 2017

      I'm a Trump supporter. Do I sound uneducated? Please, don't tell me that your lack of any logical political argument is bringing you to call us uneducated. Mudslinging is the lowest form of debate.

    2. Damn that was pretty savage, but I agree (I'm a Trump supporter) and I think it's important to realize that sure Trump's done some bad stuff so have we all (he's human after all) but he's also done many good things and I think we should realize that he's doing America some good, better than what Hillary would've done anyhow. Sure we should expect more from him as he is president, but for the sake of our country if anyone stills cares about it we should support him. Plus he's our president, might as well stop crying about it and make the best of it. And mudslinging does nothing but make people who read this lose respect for the author.

    3. Firmer standing with Russia? That's a good one. He's been licking Vladimir Putin's boots and doing NOTHING to hold him accountable for hijacking the 2016 election. Think that hacking is a hoax? Then you might want to check on what Robert Muller has been doing.

    4. Why the fuck have they found nothing substantial in over 2 years then?

      There's a video somewhere of some high ups in CNN admitting that they know that the Muller case is bullshit, and that they're doing it for ratings.

      CNN admitting:

      NY Times admitting:

      He didn't hack the election, quit sucking Don Lemon's communist cock.





    1. Has President Trump done a lot of good? Why don't you show me proof of that?

    2. - 3% unemployment rate
      - ISIS lost 95% of its territory in the first year of the Trump Administration
      - Firmer standing with Russia, $47 million used to support Ukraine, U.S. troops on Poland's border with Russia
      - Almost completely stopped use of chemical warfare against unarmed civilians in Syria.
      - He is the first president to ever get North Korean leadership to come to the negotiation table
      - North Korea has not launched a single missile test since September 3rd, 2017

    3. All Obama did was add $9 trillion to the federal debt.

      All Bill Clinton did was make kids think that the Oval Office was the Oral Office.

  17. LOL... You took time out to respond to this?

  18. It may have been an exhausting blog to create, but thanks for doing it. There was something too fishy about it and I love how they say in the next 5 minutes and that 5 minutes turns out to be way longer than 5 minutes and if you leave the page you'll lose out on your free copy. If it's so wonderful why would you lose out on your free copy and obviously it's not a free copy because you have to become a member! What a joke!

    1. Oh yah one more thing Spreen and his "ilk" are not duped they know exactly what they're doing.

    2. chris totally agrees with you.

    3. Listen people - I don’t care if you’re Right or Left.- Spreen and his Internet Fiction pre-dates both Trump and Clinton. So leave politics out of this and just realize that Allen Spreen is just another “snake oil” salesmen. He probably isn’t even a doctor!

      Stop fighting over politics - there’s enough of that already going on! What we really need in this country are people to discuss (not fight) about policies, political candidates, etc. your enemies today were once your neighbors, friends and family. Is political fighting really worth sacrificing once great relationships? I have my opinions but I don’t fight with family, friends, or neighbors about politics. In fact, I have no idea where my neighbors stand politically, and they have no idea where I stand politically! I like it like that. No looting and burning is going on in my neighborhood! If it would ever start, I would simply call the authorities - but never get involved in that kind of behavior! I thought we said “We Shall Never Forget” during 911 but apparently many have already forgotten. How sad for America - the greatest country on Earth! If you have even 1 Ounce of patriotic blood in your veins - lay down your pens (or keyboards) and find a friend or family member to celebrate life in this great country with!

    4. Really? I think you're hating on Soros because he's Jewish!

    5. Nobody fucking gives a shit if he's Jewish. If he's an asswipe, he's an asswipe.

  19. Ok, I agree that Dr. Spreen had no evidence, just fluff words to spur some controversy. With that being said, the retard writing this blog is not any better.

    There is still no evidence that the Russia election scandal ever happened, and "Crooked Donald" is just a portal to your liberal bias. You are no better than Dr. Spreen. An unbiased criticism of Dr. Spreen's lack of evidence is right. As soon as you throw in your communist propaganda, it's wrong.

    Why do liberals not talk about the record 3% unemployment rate and success destroying ISIS? This is not right wing bias, the this is seeing things for the way they are. Trump may notnbe the greatest preaident ever, but he's a lot better of a choice than. How about Hillary and her Emails? How about denying armored support for the brave men defending the US Embassy in Benghazi, who ended up dying because of it? How about that lawyer from the Watergate scandal dissapearing suspiciously only 2 days after dissatisfying the Clintons? Hillary is a crooked bitch. Even a hardcore left winger should be able to see that.

    Your fluff words to spur controversy are no better than Dr. Spreen's.

    1. Please ignore the typos, I typed this on my phone.

    2. Referring to this as "communist propaganda" is blantantly loaded.

    3. The only thing "blatantly loaded" is stating that all politicians are good people and would throw corrupt people in jail. Is denying armored support to brave U.S. servicemen the mark of such a good person?

      "Communist" may not accurately describe your heavily left-wing accented writing, but more importantly gets my point across. Finding little errors like this is what the left prays on, due to lack of further logical argument.

    4. Is that so, Well,

      Far-right violence in the past 3 wks:

      -Proud boys mob attack in NYC
      -White supremacist kills black couple in Kroger
      -Trump fan mails pipe bombs to Trump foes & media
      -Deadliest anti-Semitic attack in US history
      -Far-right incel kills 2 women, injures 5 at Tallahassee yoga studio.

      -Floating the same conspiracy theory that motivated the synagogue shooter
      -"Enemy of the people"
      -Ending countering violent extremism programs
      -Diverting resources away from domestic terrorism to focus on the "caravan" of asylum seekers

      I'd say we'd be better off with Hillary as our President after all.

    5. And Hillary as president? She'd make it a socialist hellhole. Not to mention her shady past. Yes, this example of Dr. Spreen's words is complete bullshit, but do some fishing and you'll wonder why she's not in jail. Once again, even a hardcore leftwinger should be able to see that.

      Everywhere communism, marxism, or socialism - whatever you want to call that Utopian disease - has spread, millions of people have died. Russia, China, Vietnam, Venezuela, to name a few. Venezuela used to have a great economy, and GDP per capita rivalled that of the US. Hugo Chavez took over, transforming the country with wellfare, gun control, and high taxes for the rich.

      Guess what happened? The rich left for the US, fucking over Venezuela's economy. Everyone was out of a job, as the rich are who create jobs. Now people line up for food in desolate little towns, just like the other socialist countries. We must not let this fucking disease into our country next.

    6. I see you trying to change the subject.

      Do that all you want, but refute the argument presented to you first. You just showed a sign that you're losing, whether you know it or not. What would you think if I changed subjects the instant you started winning?

    7. I don't need to wonder why she's not in jail. It's because everything you're saying about her is completely made up. It's Trump whom I'm wondering isn't in jail and if YOU do some fishing, you'll wonder that too..

    8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/

    9. Holy fuck.

      I didn't even have to destroy your weak argument this time.

      This random dude did it himself. Thank you to the unknown dude who responded on 27-DEC-2018 at 8:50 AM.

      As for Trump being a crook..... yeah, prove it. It'll be the first time you've proved one thing that you've typed here. Hillary failed in her duties as Secretary of State, and as a result 2 U.S. Operators died in the Benghazi Embassy. Hillary said she didn't offshore her private email account. When we found out that was a lie, she said that she only sent private emails on it. When we found out that she sent private emails on a private email and a VPN from another country, she had nothing to say. How was she never arrested for her offenses as Secretary of State alone?

  20. I know that Judikins said this:

    "Logan - I agree with you and now it is the day before the Midterms - Nov 5, 2018 (or late on the evening of Nov 4th for thos of you on the West Coast) and THERE STILL IS NOEVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT PRESIDENT TRUMP HAD ANY DEALINGS WITH RUSSIA THAT RESULTED IN HIS SUCCESSFUL RUN FOR PRESIDENT!

    When will the Left get over it and accept that Trump is our LEGITIMATE President of these United States? The Right got up the day after the elections in 2008 and 2012 and went to work as normal those Wednesday’s despite their loss in the Election due to Barrack Obama’s “win.” I put quotes around it because there is some suspicions or maybe even evidence that 2012 election was stolen from the Republicans. Did we march or destroy property or worse yet harm others - Indeed not! The Republicans are too nice .... but that’s okay because the Democrats will have to answer to God some day!"

    Too nice, eh? If they were too nice

    s that so, Well, if they were too nice there wouldn't have been Far-right violence in the past 3 weeks such as these:

    -Proud boys mob attack in NYC
    -White supremacist kills black couple in Kroger
    -Trump fan mails pipe bombs to Trump foes & media
    -Deadliest anti-Semitic attack in US history
    -Far-right incel kills 2 women, injures 5 at Tallahassee yoga studio.

    -Floating the same conspiracy theory that motivated the synagogue shooter
    -"Enemy of the people"
    -Ending countering violent extremism programs
    -Diverting resources away from domestic terrorism to focus on the "caravan" of asylum seekers

    I'd say we'd be better off with Hillary as our President after all.
    Oh, and by the way, I don't think that there's any proof that Barak Obama used illegal, unethical means of winning either 2008's or 2012's elections. You have no proof of that.

    1. Both sides accusing the other of unethically winning the election are wrong. I thank you for pointing that out, but why stand by a man because he's Black instead of abandoning him for adding 9 trillion dollars to our federal debt? He didn't even have enough class to retire peacefully. Instead he continues to endorse other Democrats.

      White supremacy? This bothers me deeply that you think the right is the side of white supremacy. Let's look at history.

      The Republican Political Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. When their first president, Abraham Lincoln, was elected, South Carolina seceded from the union 13 days later. South Carolina was dominated by democrats. This ended up starting the Civil War.

      After the Union won the Civil War, John Wilkes Booth, a democrat, shot Lincoln in the head in 1865.

      Fast forward to later in 1865. The Democratic party was desperate for votes, so they rallied their supporters, creating a military arm, known as the KKK. You know what the KKK did.

      The first black senator, Hiram Rhodes Revels, was elected as a Republican in 1870. The first Asian congressman, Hiram Fong, was elected as a republican in 1959. Romualdo Pacheco, the first Hispanic in the House of Reps, was a Republican, elected in 1877. First woman in the senate? You get my point.

      Fast forward all the way up until the time of Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. He opposed Women's suffrage. Only when he vetoed the amendment to the constitution and it got voted through again by Republicans did he pretend to support it.

      Fast forward to Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat. When the civil rights act was passed, he opposed it thoroughly. He called it the Nigger Bill. You heard that right. He wanted badly to Veto it. Then it dawned on him. He could not go against it, so he went with it. He was heard saying "I'll have them niggers voting democrat for 200 years" the day he signed the civil rights act. He later pushed for welfare, to keep the blacks at a lower status than whites, as they would never learn to support themselves if he could get them on government welfare. Unfortunately, he succeeded. Black people will now vote for the party for 200 years, under misinformation and false promises.

      Now, where were we? Oh, violence. I got attacked by angry teenage liberals on my way to a Trump rally in 2016. They started beating my car. I had to drive through them so they wouldn't break more windows. I don't see any right wingers blocking cars on the road. I watched police stop them from blocking a freeway one time. Had to get out those batons. Good times.

      Maybe these past 3 weeks have been right wingers, sick of the left's bullshit, retaliating. At first it will be only the most extreme fools with mental health issues, like that depraved asshole that shot up a synagogue. I do not support his actions at all, but If the protests and other bullshit should continue to advance, I see civil war happening. The side with guns is getting fed up.

    2. Asylum seekers? Please. Use the correct U.S. Government term, it's illegal alien. If they are offended by that, too bad. Don't cross our border without our consent.

      Once again, I do not support the actions of the guy who shot up a synagogue. He just had mental heath issues,you would see it if you looked at his twitter account. He is not all of us, otherwise there would be a lot of dead Jews on our hands. That cunt does not represent the Right, he represents how no one reported him, so something bad happened. Then you blame the gun he used.

      Anti-Trump media have recently glorified protests. Protests have become no longer peaceful, and the police have needed to do their jobs and disperse them. Then the police are called fascists.

      The left has believed that the ends justify the means for a long time. It's dragged down the right to be doing things like this, as they saw the left doing it while being glorified. The left has control of the media, and therefore the left's acts of violence will be glorified, and the right's demonetized. This will lead to more anger on the right, and more violence on both sides. Once again, civil war will happen if the situation advances.

    3. Well, yes, all those racists back in the Civil Rights Movement era and long before then were Democrats, but guess what? A few of them developed a change of heart and started helping the Civil Rights movement. As a result, all those racist Democrats felt so betrayed by them they angrily decided to *switch* *political* *parties*! So yes, Democrats were the racist party back then with the Republicans fighting racism. But the roles are reversed today.

    4. I thought someone who calls themselves a doctor would be smarter than this.

      Unemployment rates have gotten to be some of the lowest they've ever been, for all races. Hell, the small group of idiots that still fly Nazi flags think Trump is secretly a Jew because of how much he likes Israel.

      Us on the right are not racists. The true racists are on the left, accusing white people for the world's troubles. We have a balance now, with equal opportunity for all races.

      You think he's racist for trying to stop illegal immigration? Pfft. I don't mind them coming here, and neither does he. Just come here legally. Someone that breaks our laws the moment they cross our border does not deserve to be here, try again. Is Trump a villan for enforcing our laws?

      God it hurts more every time you reply. I guess people started taking it as a challenge when I said "how stupid can you be?"

      The racism never switched sides, and the democrats never supported the civil rights movement. LBJ called it the "Nigger Bill." The Democrats just capitalized on it now, pretending to be the champions of civil rights.

      Plus, why did they change views on border control? It seems most people were in favor of it a few years ago. This changed when the leftists realized that over 70% of illegals vote Democrat. They don't care about us, as long as they fucking stay in power.

  21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/

  22. I am one of those “Libnuts” he mentioned in the beginning of that video. Here I will do my best to make a firm argument AGAINST Donald. Trump. Firstly, all those accomplishments listed above are heavily outweighed by the detrimental acts committed by President Trump. For example, President Trump has pulled America out of the Iran Deal. His only reason for doing so was because it was a “very bad deal.” This appeared to be the only thing he ever stated about the subject. Iran is now capable of producing nuclear warheads due to President Trump’s lack of understanding of the matter. Had he researched the subject for only a day (which I highly doubt he did), he may have decided the opposite. Another example included his poorly thought decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord. It doesn’t matter if you are left or right-wing, climate change is real, and as the world was making baby steps towards stopping climate change, Trump took a giant leap backwards, pulling America along with him.
    I will agree that much of CNN and MSNBC’s political news is biased, favoring liberals, but on the same token so if Fox News, favoring conservatives. Few news stations report non biased news, however a minuscule number truly report false, or “fake” news.
    Back to Trump, the recent government shutdown is effecting Americans in multiple ways. Sadly, my own grandmother is worried that she won’t get her social security money. Whether or not this is true, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the fact that Americans become stirred up because of major government events. The supposed cause of this shutdown, or “strike” as Trump has been calling it, it the democrats fault, because they won’t agree to let Trump build a wall at our southern border. All he is doing here is attempting to find a scapegoat, as he can’t accept the blame himself. President Trump doesn’t appear to understand the cost of this wall. It would add trillions of dollars onto our national debt. Obama was accused of billions, but this would be dwarfed by Trump. It is a lame excuse of a reason for a government shutdown. Government employees are still expected to go to work, yet they don’t get paid for it.
    Also note that Americans need allies. It is the reason we aren’t British. Without France and Spain, we would have lost the Revolutionary War. Today, our allies are vital to our well-being, both militarily and economically.
    TLDR: Trump is a disgrace to Americans like myself and others. We need to stop blindly following our leader and pull our heads out of the sand. Thank you for your time.

    1. Damn, you are a libnut. One of the rare ones that end up being too retarded for me to waste time on.

  23. Also note that President Trumps poor knowledge and lack of understanding of important situations may put Americans lives at risk.

    1. What important situations are you talking about?

  24. The "HSI" got YouTube to take the video down
    this is the URL from their "ad" which lead me to investigate them:

  25. I listened (kinda sorta) to Dr Spreen's entire ridiculous bull crap presentation on the web, the one that alleges the Clinton Cartel is out to kill us in order to benefit Big Pharma and some collection of evil conspirators with billions of $$ as their payoff. The question I am left with is: How does a guy who was smart enough to get a medical degree come to the conclusion that "we" would accept his whole truckload of nonsense, with no supporting evidence, merely by virtue of a claim that he knows this from his anonymous "insider" network, and that the "truths" he reveals may just be the thing that brings down the Democratic Party. And, beyond that, that we'd send him money?

    It is truly astonishing. And repugnant. Illogical hucksterism of the highest order. Free speech is a wonderful thing, and I would never suggest it be curbed in the interest of "truth", but this verbal dung tests my free speech convictions.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/

  26. Conspiracy theorists do this so well: they manipulate people with nonsense, appealing to emotion, and never to reason.

    I hate Trump and desperately need to see him impeached. No baseless propaganda is going to make me change my mind.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/

      What did Trump do wrong?

      Give me incidents, and proof they happened. The Mueller report came up with nothing, so with "innocent until proven guilty," the man is innocent. If something gets proven, he's guilty, but if that never happens, again, the man is innocent.

  27. What I find interesting is that one thing all posters and responders agree on - if aware of the reality of healthcare - is that relying on others to solve hc issues created by lifestyle choices, a poisoned environment, and the daily, unseen stress of life in the USA, allows the wide spectrum of false information, misdirected blame, and unproven "cures" to somehiw fix what are obvious reasons the state of health in our country is poor. We allow the capital/profit driven economy to make/offer food that is unhealthy, contaminate water (the true "eau d'vivre"), and foul the air we breathe. The stress of rhe paycheck to paycheck or have-to-be-richer-and-richer workstyle are the prescription to what ails almost all of us. Yet, we dont demand healthier air, water, food, etc while we allow cuts to the very agencies of government that moderately protect the quality we do have. We happily eat and drink and breathe that which is fouled in the name of profit, paychecks, retirement, i.e., econ security. IOW, the fault, dear Brutus.... There are no magical cures in pharma or nature. Often, going to the doctor is a a fix to something we caused ourselves. Taking a pill is the answer to a question we, ourselves, have created. Live healthy-eat, drnk and breathe the best available, get off digital devices (which I will do after this meaningless comment), get outside -and, when our times come (none of us lives forever), die. The cure to what ails you is to live fully (healthfully in body and mind) and then let go gracefully. There's your cure. Looky here, it cost you nothing.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865795/

  28. if you dont get rid of trump your country will be going to the dogs it is allready half way there

    1. The only thing going to the dogs is your literacy.

  29. I can't believe anyone would waste their time with useless words and conspiracy theories after we've had historical records of men like Spiro Agnew and President Nixon getting caught in actual political scandals. So this quack is simply trying to pull the wool over our eyes about some crazy undocumented conspiracy which he can't prove no more than the FBI or CIA could.

    1. Shut the fuck up.


  30. Now that I've tried to remove this blog and it still popped up on my phone, just a bit of reality: this "quack" has a marketing scheme to sell his product. What is the most gullible segment of the poulation with money to spend in order to live forever? Angry, old, right wing white people. There you have it. A cynical, but some what clever, strategy to sell something. First, you win them over with some nutty right wing conspiracy trope (with some truth sprinkled here and there), throw in some really angry stufd and cap it off with a snake oil pitch. Voila! Hopefully, you get rich like so many have before you.

    1. Black person not a demcrat


    2. Fucking mongoloids, think all right wingers are old white people.

  31. I'm no believer in either side.Why would Trump come up with any conspiracy after the fact. I do believe name unmentioned withholds info about anything that's a cure for Altz,Cancer,and any other life threatening diseases, because it will HIGHLY effect Pharmaceuticals in the USA,for all I kno other countries too. Terrible thing to think about. Would love to know the "truth" wouldn't you?
    Unfortunatly,don't see truth coming out from any party that does know. Those that do know the truth, how could they even sleep at night.And rich? Who is it we are speaking of that's not extremely wealthy already. Again I am not taking up for anyone here, but the word truth is an almost impossible thing that has come out of either party's mentioned. It does make me want to know the truth because have lost many friends, relatives to Cancer, & Alzheimer's. So it does upset me to hear both sides. So which one is truth. My guess, all have skeleton's in their closets, so how can the real truth be 100% true? I Pray for all of the ones envolved in such a horrendous bunch of scandals. It's sad we read, we hear all this drama from people we want to trust,but, we wont ever hear an answer of truth about any of it. I wouldnt publicly announce any extremely wealthy person that's a lie. Can you imagine what their money could do to the person who goes public with made up stories? I see which side you are on, why do I not feel comfortable with your train of thought. I'm not bashing you, but something just doesnt feel right. Too many have been cured. How quick did you come up with your decision here. I just care about the cure, dont care about Hillary Clinton, and Mr.President has surprised me doing what so far has informed us that he would do. I have to say I'm impressed & I hope he keeps on keeping on. I'm wondering how rich you are that "debunked" the doctors info about such important subjects. Its worth all the money we all have together for a cure for Cancer, Altz and whatever else. I dont care how much money anyone makes to give to public knowledge of a cure for pretty much most all of fatal diseases. A CURE. Oh and I did not vote for anyone last election. Do you wonder why?

    1. You know why they use 'Crooked Hillary'? Because right-wingers are more apt to believe in conspiracies.It's a fact.That's why TRUMP loves the poorly educated. :)

    2. Poorly educated? No, we just choose to get a real job instead of some artsy, interpretive bullshit.

      Art is a useless major.


  33. it behooves you all to review the archives of medicine dating back to the beginning of time! you will realize what doctors do today has been criminally contaminated! Doctors only get paid to write prescriptions perform operations and banned from critically analyzing the aftermath of this stupidity.

    Review Flexner.
    review the 1st hip replacement 09/28/1940.
    Review chiropractic versus AMA.
    then review 4th grade level basic human biology use your common sense reprocess all that you know and what you will find is that what doctors do to honor 1st do no harm is as simple as 123.

    Hello, my name is Doc Rodrigues, I'm a Primary Care Provider of 36yrs, B-C FM in 1988. The root causes all the failures in Medicine were planted in 1847!

    Two Scientific Magic Tricks;
    1. Medical Schools graduating Medical Doctors with false beliefs; Pain is bone, joint, arthritis or nerves only treated with medications and/or operations.
    2. Pain is NEVER Muscle or Nervous Organ Systems, cells tissues or fibers THUS DO NOT REQUIRE THERAPY.
    The first jsut plain stupidity, whereas the ladder is documentable intentional sinister criminal mindedness in the records the conviction of American Medical Association by the Federal Trade Commission; Racketeering.

    1st do no harm requires physicians to begin each office visit full aware of 1-2-3:
    1. Personal Pain so augment The Natural Cure from the forces within us: 5 Basic Daily Helpful requirements + mental emotional support + neurotransmitter support + 5 muscle regenerative therapies.
    2. Toxic Chemicals.
    3. Destructive Surgical.

  34. This is fucking sad. I'm a freshman in high school, destroying everyone here in a political argument.

    Leftism destroys everything it touches, including sanity of it's believers.

  35. I doubt if this is a real person. Reeks of Russian propaganda.

  36. First, congrats to the blogger who went through the entire presentation and documented the lies, distortions and flights of fancy. I got sick in the middle and quite.

    Second, to all the Trumpsters, conspiracy nuts and just plain ignorant posters. This country's future is a stake! Like the "greatest generation" of WWII we are being attacked and the foundations of this country undermined.

    It's always easier to say "fake news" than do the research and find the truth. It's easier to watch Fox news and get a sliver of the story served so as to inflame, provoke and breed more ignorance.

    Hopefully, we have just another 18 months of this blemish on our history and then he and his grifter children and the ilk he brought with him will be gone.

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