So, with the controversies surrounding Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh being all the rage lately, I just wanted to make a statement here: I am for the most part, a liberal and I mostly listen to the big news stories from the liberals’ point of view, but lately, I would occasionally go on a website called Freedom News Report to try to understand the conservatives’ side of the story. Unfortunately, they recently released an article on Brett Kavanaugh and I thought that while there might be at least some truth to it, its constant use of charge vocabulary obscures that truth.
First off, the title of the article said that Dianne Feinstein “has to go.” In my opinion, that should serve as a big red flag that the writers of this article are relying on emotion, specifically anger, as a basis for the content of the article instead of actual facts. Some would argue that there are plenty of facts in the article, but I’m just saying that the usage of charge vocabulary throughout it could lead any casual reader thereof to think otherwise. So let’s go over how each usage of charge vocabulary can actually obscure any truth in this article. Before we get started, however, I’m going to say right here and now that I’m not going to judge whether Kavanaugh is guilty or not, nor will I claim that the writers of this article are liars. I am only pointing out why I feel that these arguments are too ad-hominem to have any validity. With that out of the way, let’s go ahead and get started:
Dianne Feinstein is a monster. At best, she has helped condemn an innocent man for political gain. That’s monstrous, and it’s the best look for her. At worst, she exploited a sexual assault victim for political gain. That’s worse than monstrous; it’s leftist.
Oh, boy. Things are already not off to a good start. For starters, only the first sentence and already you’re resorting to name-calling and dehumanizing. That doesn’t make any supporter of Dianne Feinstein want to listen to you. Secondly, I really don’t think we have confirmation on whether Kavanaugh is innocent or not. After all, sexual misconduct isn’t the only crime he is under suspicion of. There are those who also suspect that he lied to FBI officials. How do we know he’s not guilty of that? Republican Senator Jeff Flake was willing to consider the possibility that Kavanaugh wasn’t innocent and he and Democratic Senator Chris Coons agreed to an FBI investigation and a one-week delay. He didn’t jump to conclusions based on bias like you guys did, and he actually compromised. And that’s the problem that has been going on in Congress since Obama’s first term in office: an unwillingness to compromise. Then again, condemning an innocent man was the “at best” scenario, to be fair. Also, how is being leftist worse than being monstrous?
There is only one proper response to the events of this last week in Congress: absolute, fiery outrage. Feinstein sat on a sexual assault accusation for more than six weeks just to try and stall a confirmation hearing. She has dragged a good man through the mud, paraded a self-proclaimed victim of assault across a national stage, demanded that Congress completely abandon the Constitution and virtually destroyed the process of justice. She has to go.
I wouldn’t exactly call fiery outrage a “proper” response to these events. “Understandable” might be closer to the truth. And again, the FBI investigation purpose is to see if Kavanaugh really is a “good man” or not. Just blindly making assumptions to one side or the other is counter-productive and unhelpful. All it does is worsen the divide. When Christina Hoff Sommers was asked about the #MeToo movement, she said that due process is necessary for situations like this because blindly believing one side or the other is unreliable and equally disastrous. We need to find the truth.
Actual Nazis
The left has been using this phrase a lot lately. As is standard with their pitiful vocabulary, they frequently misapply it. Trump and the mainstream GOP are definitely very far away from actual Nazis, but Democrats across the country don’t seem to understand that. It doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s suppose that candidates on the right are actual Nazis. That’s terrible, but there are two regimes in modern history that managed levels of evil that actually put the actual Nazis to shame. They were headed by Mao and Stalin.
How ironic. Back when Barak Obama was president, Republicans have been throwing the “Nazi” label at him! People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, you know. But the fact that one party calls the other Nazis whenever the other party is in charge shows us just how out of hand the political divide is getting at this point. Also, in my opinion, how evil Mao and Stalin were compared to Hitler is a matter of personal distaste, but then again, I do think I heard people say that Stalin may have been worse than Hitler. If you think Mao and Stalin were worse than Hitler, please tell me why you think this way in the comments down below. But please do it politely because if you do, you might be helping to end this divide.
Guess what. The mainstream ideology of the left openly praises those two regimes. They want America to be the next “great” socialist state. They admit it freely and openly. So, at this point, voting for an “actual Nazi” would actually be selecting the lesser of two evils — especially since we don’t have to misappropriate terms when we call Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein and the rest of the party “actual socialists.”
Does the mainstream left ideology openly praise either regime? I’ve never heard them do that. If you want me to agree with you, you’ll have to show us proof that they actually did that. Otherwise, I am going to assume that these claims are baseless accusations at best and outright lies at worst. Also, I think you don’t really understand left-wing policies as much as you claim to. If you think they openly praise socialist regimes and want America to become one itself, why don’t you show me an example? Also, originally, “Nazism” stood for “national socialism.” So, I think your “socialist” argument has glaring holes in it. And by the way, when you call Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren and the like as “actual socialists,” I think you guys are misappropriating terms.
The Destruction of Law and Order
People will downplay this rhetoric. They will call it hyperbolic and an overreaction. The past year and a half have given us ample evidence that it’s probably an under reaction at this point. The mainstream left has literally called for an end to border protection. They want to nationalize everyone who makes it into U.S. territory, and they have openly called for the destruction of ICE.
They don’t care how many terrorists and human trafficking rings have been stopped by our border security. They’d rather endorse both of those practices than miss even one potential illegal vote because a known criminal was deported by ICE. Disgusting. Despicable. Pure evil. All of these terms sound too soft. Words can no longer convey the malicious, destructive malfeasance of the left.
Now you’ve gone too far. Calling the left “pure evil” because they think they are standing up for the little guy makes me think that you guys are becoming more and more extreme by the minute. And what makes you think that they want any illegal vote at all? Beto O’Rourke wants to win the 2018 midterm election fair and square by actually meeting up with and talking to potential voters. That is completely legal and encouraging and it doesn’t look down on anyone. But you call the left “Disgusting. Despicable. Pure evil.” Then you claim that “All of these terms sound to soft.” But you seem to forget that they consider you guys to be the actual villains. In another article from Freedom News Report, they even point out how liberals claim that conservatives are evil, and then you say, “On the other hand, most conservatives view progressives as naive. We often do think they are being duped by the Bernie brigade, but we don’t automatically assume they are evil. Socialism might be evil, but their belief in it is not born of their irreconcilable evil. They’re just young, and most people grow out of socialism once they have a career and pay taxes.” Of course, they call California a hive of scum and villainy, considering the measures they take to fight Global Warming being at the expense of the poor, but saving humanity and all wildlife on earth, to me at least, seems like a higher priority. And I don’t see anything evil about saving the world. Also, do you have any proof whatsoever of liberals wanting ICE abolished completely? Why don’t you show us an example of the mainstream left wanting border protection to disappear? If you don’t show us any examples of these, I’m going to assume that these claims are baseless.
You still have reservations? This past week should be enough to send you over the edge. The most prominent members of the left, including everyone listed a moment ago, have called for an end to due process. Every single one of them wants to see Brett Kavanaugh tarred, feathered and lynched without a trial. They have condemned the man even though there have been ZERO pieces of evidence brought against him. Zero. Even the woman’s key witnesses all agree that the party, much less the sexual assault, never happened.
Great. More hyperbole. An end to due process? Really? How is an FBI investigation and end to due process? If it’s an “end to due process” you want, try looking at Mitch McConnell’s push to have Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court immediately, with no regard for any potential skeletons in his closet. Also, the Democrats don’t really want Kavanaugh tarred, feathered and lynched, at least not literally, they just want him rejected from the Supreme Court. I do agree that if there is no evidence that the party happened, let alone the sexual assault, then the media should present the story accordingly.
If this is enough to ruin a man, then due process is dead, and that is exactly what the left wants. Stalin and Mao eliminated due process, and they used the government to hunt and destroy any and all dissent. The left wants nothing less. They are trying to set the precedent right now. It’s time for every conservative, right-leaner, Republican, moderate, classical liberal and non-crazy leftist to get in the game. We are at a real crisis.
If due process is dead, then why do you think there would be an FBI investigation in the first place, and not decisions based on “listen and believe”? Two Senators, one Democrat and one Republican, have agreed to a due process for Brett Kavanaugh. If the FBI investigation finds nothing to support the sexual assault claim, then due process has happened, and the media should say so accordingly. And I’m sure many Democrats would accept that with grace and dignity, albeit begrudgingly. If they don’t, then your point would be valid. Also, I think that any moderate, classical liberal, and non-liberal would think that you’re just using buzzwords and charge vocabulary to get your point across and see this as irrational vilifying. I agree that they should call out the left-wing extremists, but your usage of inflammatory words and phrases will make think that you’ve become extreme yourselves. You rage, you lose.
The Last Chance
If you want to see the socialists stopped, there is only one chance left. Any momentum they gain in the midterms will spell certain doom for America. It might not happen overnight, but to date, no country has recovered from socialist momentum without first burning to the ground. The United States will prove no different.
Well, isn’t that a coincidence? These guys are saying that the Democrats winning the 2018 midterms would spell doom for America. That’s what I thought about Donald Trump winning the 2016 election. We are now in this rut where one party sees the other as a menace to American democracy and values, and pointed out by the CNN show Reliable Sources on November 12th 2017. It pointed out how the divide has gotten worse and worse and the parties have gotten more and more divided and now, and everything that this article is saying is a sign of that. The real menace to America is the divide between Democrats and Republicans - not the so-called socialist movement of the left.
Conversely, the progressives won’t survive another 2016-like election. If we shut them down now, they will lose steam. They’ll keep shouting and whining, but we’ll have a solid foundation of proof that the liberal media and all of the extremists are just a vocal minority. More importantly, the elected officials will see that, and they’ll stop cowering before the perceived might of the socialist movement.
It’s great to see you acknowledge that these extremists are a vocal minority, but shouldn’t you guys promote and glorify the non-extreme left-wingers? That would definitely help your stance.
Dianne Feinstein must go. Bernie Sanders must go. Elizabeth Warren must go. Kamala Harris must go. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O’Rourke must not be given a foothold. Even if you aren’t voting in these states or districts, we need a red tidal wave so powerful that Congress will feel confident charging these traitors for their crimes. Nothing else can save our country, even if it comes at the cost of voting for an “actual Nazi.”
Okay, so what do I think of this article? Well, I think that it had the useful point that there was no real evidence of Brett Kavanaugh committing sexual assault, but this entire article was filled with buzzwords, charge vocabulary, and inflammatory terminology. And all of that is only going to end up scaring more people away from your way of thinking instead of being willing to consider it. And if you do vote for an “actual Nazi,” then you’re not really fighting extreme socialism because, again, “Nazi” is short for “national socialist.”
It’s not Dianne Feinstein that must go. Nor is it Bernie Sanders. Nor Elizabeth Warren, or Kamala Harris, or Beto O’Rourke. It’s our own tendencies to vilify the party opposite our own, our own unwillingness to compromise, and our own “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” mentality. That is the real menace to America. That is what we should be moving against. And even after reading this, I still support Beto O’Rourke because I heard him say on Colbert’s show that he is taking a stand for many things, but not “against” anyone. He stays positive and doesn’t resort to demonizing and vilifying, which is why I really don’t see why the writers on Freedom News Report don’t want him to have a foothold.
It’s just like when Alex Jones kept on shouting at Oliver Darcy, accusing him of telling lies and encouraging the silencing of conservative voices. Regardless of how much truth there is in Alex’s words, most of what we see is him yelling and being angry, making him look irrational. Making him look like the one who is in the wrong. So, I am going to end this blog with a quote from the Youtuber MysteriousMrEnter when he finished his review of the Fillmore! episode, Test of the Tested: “How you speak is just as important as what you speak. Sometimes more so.”
Bottom line, if it weren’t for this spreading political divide, our debates wouldn’t have amounted to mud-slinging, demonizing, name-calling, and vilifying. So that’s why I plan on supporting organizations like No Labels, who have the goal of fighting back against this divide. And I hope you start supporting them too because if you do, you’d be helping America become a place without people shouting at each other with reckless abandon, and give us an America where we can have civil debates instead of rampant insults and dehumanizing. That is an America I would want to live in. Would you?
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